45 bemerkenswerte Shop-Layouts im Überblick

Shop Design BeispieleDas immer wieder lesenswerte Smashing Magazine hat geschlagene 45 interessante Designansätze von Online-Shops zusammen gestellt. Darunter sind höchst innovative Layouts und Navigationen genauso wie pragmatische und verkaufsorientierte Modelle.

Wohin geht die Reise? Lassen Sie sich inspirieren!

Times when online-shops were boring and unattractive are over. To attract customers' attention designers tend to design online-shops according to the atmosphere it has to create. An online-store in which retro-products are offered is designed in a retro-look. And shops which are aiming to attract young customers are designed in vibrant colors and modern style. Furthermore, interactive browsing through the store, implemented with Flash and JavaScript, gain on popularity as well.

This post showcases 45 examples of creative and unusual designs of online-stores. Being creative doesn't necessarily mean that the designs are successful as well since unconventional approaches often increase the time users need to climb the learning curve and figure out how they can achieve their goals. Still, how can you present your products in a distinctive way and how to design a truly unique online-store? Let's find out.

Hier geht es zur Übersicht aller 45 bemerkenswerter Shop-Layouts mit Screenshots und Erklärungen.

Ulrich Hafenbradl

Ulrich Hafenbradl