Gratis Shop-Templates für WordPress, Magento, os:commerce und andere Shoplösungen

shop-templates-kostenlosDas Smashing Magazine ist bekannt für umfangreiche und meist sehr brauchbare Zusammenstellungen von interessanten Websites, Templates und Beispielen. In einem aktuellen Beitrag haben die Design-Experten 35 Shop Templates zusammen gestellt, die einen Blick wert sind. Auch wenn für die eigene Shoplösung nichts dabei sein sollte, findet sich inspirierendes Material.

Alle aufgelisteten Templates sind dabei sogar kostenlos!

For website owners who are evaluating e-commerce solutions, there are several good options for powering websites and shopping carts. Regardless of which option you chose, deciding on a design brings with it even more decisions to make. Of course, a custom design is always an option, but for those who want to keep costs down, templates are a popular choice. Premium e-commerce themes are easy to find, but they can be expensive. Free e-commerce templates are difficult to find, and quality free templates are even harder to find.

We've done the research for you, and in this post we present 35 of the highest-quality free e-commerce templates available. There are templates specifically for WordPress, Prestashop, osCommerce, Magento, Zen Cart, CubeCart, and CRE Loaded, as well as a number of general e-commerce templates. Please notice that these templates aren't intended to be used 1:1, but should rather be used as a skeleton for your own shop and hence saves a lot of work, because otherwise you would have to start from scratch.

Hier geht es zur Liste beim Smashing Magazine.

Ulrich Hafenbradl

Ulrich Hafenbradl