Designprodukte aus Nordirland - Interview mit logoHeute wollen wir Ihnen in unserer Interviewreihe zum ersten Mal einen englischsprachigen Shop vorstellen, der von Nordirland aus einen erfolgreichen Versand für zeitgenössisches Einrichtungsdesign, Geschenke, Möbel, Beleuchtung und mehr betreibt.

Lesen Sie unser Interview mit Tom Elliott von

In an interview we asked Tom Elliott, Managing Director at, to tell more about his sales strategy.

What is Bombero?
Bombero are retailers of contemporary interior accessories, gifts, furniture and lighting - a collection that includes designs from Europe's most innovative manufacturers and most talented designers. Our aim is to bring our customers the best product design, product quality and customer service available, both in our hight street store in Bangor (Northern Ireland) and online shop. We always try to make shopping with us a completely enjoyable experience.

Why did you decide to start an e-commerce activity?
By the end of 2005 we were trading very successfully from our high street shop and we were looking for ways to take us to the next level in our development. To grow, we knew we needed to reach a broader customer base than we could from our high street store alone. We began to seriously consider trading from an online shop.

When did your shop open?
Our high street store opened in November 2003 and our online shop in May 2006.

How did you proceed to build your online shop?
We indentified the ISP and an online shop software package that we felt met our needs in terms of cost, reliability and ease of use. We didn't want a huge capital outlay and we wanted software that we could manage ourselves. By May 2006 our online shop based on epages was opened and we were receiving orders.

What are the advantages of your online shop against a high street store?
Together, our online shop and our high street store have been a great success. Many of the costs and skills are shared by both: The same stock and warehouse space service both , the same staff operate both, so skills learned in one can be used in both. The enormous benefit of online trading is 24 hour opening; our online shop is always open. We can receive orders at anytime & process them during normal working hours.

Are you full time working for your online shop, or part time?
Full time.

Which payment systems do you propose?
Our online payments are processed through WorldPay and PayPal.

What are your customers segments?
Our customers are mainly based in the UK and Ireland.

What action did you undertake to increase the visibility of your shop?
We promote our website in local newspapers and magazines. Advertise on search engines and sell on shopping comparison sites. We encourage suppliers and other s to create links to our site.

What action did you undertake to increase the consumer confidence?
Consumer confidence is fundamental to online trading, which is why we sought Trusted Shops certification. We also try to reassure our customers by having clear and constructive terms & conditions.

What are your plans for the next months?
We plan to refine and improve our offer to customers, bringing new and exciting designs to our collection and delivering the best possible customer service.

Beate Eckstein

Beate Eckstein