Trusted Shops bei internationalem Gütesiegel-Kongress in Kopenhagen

E-Commerce Trustmarks in EuropeOn Friday, 10 November 2006, Copenhagen will host a conference on e-commerce Trustmarks in Europe. The conference will focus on cross-border e-commerce and the need for a common European Trustmark.

Cross-border e-commerce in Europe is growing, but unfortunately this is also true for complaints related to e-commerce. In practice, it can be difficult for consumers to distinguish reliable web traders from unreliable.

At the conference, which will be opened by the Danish Minister for Consumer Affairs Lars Barfoed, it will be discussed how a European Trustmark can help make it easier for consumers to find reliable enterprises in the European web trade market.

At the conference, European researchers, authorities and consumer and trade organisations will contribute with presentations.

Read more about the conference at, where you can register for our information service that will inform you of when the conference programme is ready.

The conference will be in English. Participation is free, but please note that there are a limited number of seats. We reserve the right to turn away participants who are not among the target audience.

Ulrich Hafenbradl

Ulrich Hafenbradl